The template package uses PHP Mobile Detect to serve up the optimized layout based on device. If you are on a Desktop and want to view the Tablet layout use this link. If you want to view the Mobile layout 手机虚拟专用网络 To switch back to a Desktop use this link.
This content is located in the file at: 为何虚拟专用网络连接连接不上-ZOL问答:7条回答:【推荐答案】把宽带连接删除,重新建立一个。VPN服务器800错误解决方法连接VPN隧道时发生“错误800:不能建立VPN连接”的原因一般有众下几个:1.检查配置中的“目的地的主机名或IP地址”使用的是域名而不是IP地址,由于VPN隧道需要定期进行
You can quickly edit this content via Admin->Tools->Define Pages Editor, and select define_main_page from the pulldown.
NOTE: Always backup the files in /languages/english/html_includes/your_template